A Day in the Life of a New World Order Slave…

nwo-1A Day in the Life of a New World Order Slave

-Wake up,

-Brush Teeth with Fluoride Toothpaste,

-Shower with Industrial Fluoride Waste in Public Water,

-Microwave Breakfast Sandwich destroying the protein in it.

-Eat a GMO “food” bar full of cancer causing grain/Oil from Corn, Soy, Cotton, Canola, Wheat.

-Check the Weather on Microwave Radio Frequency Cell Phone that tracks your Location, Texts, Conversations/Contacts/Associations and Web Traffic/searches All the Time.

-Check balance on Debit Card so the NWO knows where you are and how much money you don’t have.

-Pay at the Pump for Gas with Debit Card so the NWO knows When, What and how much you filled up.

-Drive to Work in City with Skycop Cameras so the NWO knows how you get to work.

-Clock IN so Employer can record your hours worked and “Take Out” Fed, State, Local, Social Security, Health Insurance Money from YOUR Pay.

-Drink a GMO Soda filled with Mineral robbing, Disease Casing (High Fructose Corn Syrup, and sometimes Human DNA Flavor modifiers, Industrial Fluoride waste put in Public Water, Sodium Benzoate, Brominated Vegetable Oil, Artificial Colors, Artificial Sweeteners and preservatives)

-Absorb Radio Frequency Radiation all day long from Cell Phones/towers, WiFi routers, Smart Meters, Remote monitoring data systems, WiFi Computers and Electronic devices like 2way Radios, Inventory/tracking and anti Theft systems.

-Use the Restroom full of Toxic Cleaners and Disinfectants and Air fresheners, Wash hands with Toxic Soap full of Chemicals that get absorbed through the skin.

-Use Company provided cleaners without reading the lables telling you not to touch, inhale or absorb product.

-Eat some snack food full of “GMO” Corn, Soy, Cottonseed, chemical preservatives.

-Eat Lunch full of GMO’s, Fluoride from City Water, Fried Food full of Cancer causing Oils and crispy “browned” meats and vegetables, GMO Soda.

-Watch NWO Corporate News/Sports during Lunch so you know little or nothing of anything that will significantly affect you or others in the REAL world.

-Drink a Energy Drink full of Caffeine, Artificial Sweeteners, colors and preservatives, to stay awake

and keep going to the end of work shift.
-Clock out so they know when to stop paying you, and taking away (withholding) your pay.

-Drive Home while constantly being tracked/Recorded by Cell Phone, ONstar or other Vehicle Tracking/monitoring system while listening to Music full of lyrics promoting Sex, Drinking, Revenge, Divorce, Fighting and loosing control.

-Eat a processed Food Dinner lacking any good Nutrition and full of GMO, Preservatives and Herbicide and Pesticides absorbed into the food.

-Watch T.V. “Programming” to space out, relax and absorb what the 5 or 6 mega media corporations want you to believe is the world you live in like:(