Analysis of Vaccination Vial Confirms Presence of Graphene Nanoparticles – VIDEO

The COVID Vaccine Is Here … And So Are Potential Side Effects

Spanish researchers put the Pfizer vaccine under an electron microscope and found it contains 99% graphene oxide and hardly anything else. The whole world is following the story released on the Spanish web site program la Quinta Columna.

Suspicions of the two researchers turned out true. There is almost NO Biological matter in the Pfizer covid-19 vial. What the lab in the University of Almeria found has nothing to do with mRNA. The main matter found was a substance more alike to nanoparticles of graphene or a very similar nanomaterial.

Extraction and quantification of mRNA in the sample, identified that 99% of the whole substance inside the vial was highly probable graphene oxide or something very similar, just very few genetic material was found. Until now, no lipid Nano capsules were identified.

The study mentions that there is a reduced form of graphene oxide (GO) when graphene oxide is mixed with hydrogen it becomes MAGNETIC (MGO) it is also known as reduced graphene oxide (this happens when it is injected blood too)
Graphene oxide layers from scientific literature and from a commercial graphene oxide sample compared against the microscopy performed on the Pfizer sample show identical patterns in both electron and optical microscopy, letting no gap to doubts we talk about the same material.

The study offers solid evidence of possible graphene derivatives because the structure saw in the microscopy is characteristic. Academics who previously worked with graphene oxide were consulted and agreed there is no doubt about the presence of graphene oxide in the vial.

In program No. 63La Quinta Columna (biostatistician Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano) shared some of the many photographs of the analyses that the team of researchers with whom they work have obtained after subjecting the substance to different techniques to determine each of its components.

As promised, they have delivered; the results are mind-blowing. Their theories about the presence of graphene oxide in the vials have been confirmed: there is definitely graphene oxide in the vials. All the suspicions they had about it have been allayed.

This program has been, perhaps, the most important to date due to the amount of information and evidence presented.

During the transmission, Ricardo Delgado clarified the following: “First of all, we are not saying that we are anti-vaccine. The problem is that this is not a vaccine, this is a dose of graphene to a person.“

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