Navy Surgeon Reveals Horrific COVID Vaxxine Death Rates Among Healthy Military Personnel


A recent study of U.S. military personnel who had accepted the COVID-19 jab show there was a higher-than-expected rate of myocarditis. The data were published in the JAMA Cardiology by physicians from the Navy, Army and Air Force.

The Myocarditis Foundation reports the condition is usually classified as a rare disease. Yet, 3.1 million cases were diagnosed in 2017, which offers enough data to estimate the number of individuals who may develop myocarditis in a given population.

-In 2020 there were 20 COVID deaths in the entire military, all 4 branches

-Military highly vaccinated

-She mentions tumors but did not give numbers

-48 leukemia cases per year average historically for the military, but 229 this year so far (leukemia is a blood disease)

-317 cases of Myocarditis VAERS TOTAL for the military in the last 31 years, but 1113 cases in 2021 so far

-Myocarditis has a 66 percent kill rate over 5 years of living with it (many threads about kids getting myocarditis but it is seldom mentioned that surviving the initial infection doesn’t mean they are out of the woods. Their heart is damaged forever and within 5 years 2/3s of them will be dead.)

-HSV vaccine halted after 22 deaths
-H1N1 vaccine halted after 53 deaths
-COVID vaccine is killing 53 every day

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