New Gun Bill H.R.127 Would Require Public Registry of All Weapons

gun control

The Proposed Bill Would Include an Annual $800 Insurance Fee

Jackson Lee, Sheila [D-TX], has introduced bill H.R.127, which would require gun owners to register their firearms within three months, or face legal consequences:

The proposed bill would also create a government database so the government can see who owns guns and where they are located:

Third, liscencing laws would be updated with the following:

The insurance description is below: 

All of this information was taken directly from 

A pro gun group called The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms called the bill “insanity on steroids.”

“Over the years,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “we’ve seen some astonishingly bad legislation originate on Capitol Hill, but this one takes the term ‘abomination’ to an entirely new level. One look at this bill and you wonder whether Congresswoman Jackson Lee ever heard of the Bill of Rights, which includes the Second Amendment.”

The bill would also ban all .50 caliber weapons. 


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