NYC Gov’t Issues PSA on How To Prepare For Nuclear Attack

new york

Yes, really. The creepy PSA, posted on the NYCEM website, begins with a woman appearing in a bombed-out NYC landscape offering advice on what to do in the event of a nuclear strike.

“Okay? So, what do we do?” she asks before listing 3 “important steps” to surviving a nuclear explosion.

1. Get inside — fast

“You, your friends, your family…get inside. And no, staying in the car is not an option,” she says. “You need to get into a building and move away from the window.”

2. Stay inside

“Shut all doors and windows. Have a basement? Head there,” she says. “If you don’t have one, get as far into the middle of the building as possible.”

“If you were outside after the blast, get clean immediately. Remove and bag all outer clothing to keep radioactive dust or ash away from your body,” she adds.

3. Stay tuned

“Follow media for more information. Don’t forget to sign up for Notify NYC for official alerts and updates,” she says. “And don’t go outside until officials says it’s safe.”

“All right? You’ve got this,” she adds cheerfully.

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