Australia is GONE!


Steve Cioccolanti clearly spells out the current state of Tyranny that has enveloped Australia…which I have now started to call AuschwitZlia

And warns about the even further escalation of oppression coming in the very near future as the Diabolical Premier Dan Andrews passes “Emergency” legislation which will grant him powers that Stalin and other historical tyrants never dreamed of.

So I ask you to watch and listen carefully to this video between the 8 and the 20 minute mark and think very hard about where this is all going. Is this coming to North America? Is AuschwitZlia just a petri dish for Canada and the United States?

How much time do we have left, folks? Who will fight for us? Will our military, police and judges finally step up to the plate? Or, will we all be going down the sewer hole like AuschwitZlia has already gone?!

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