Narrative To Hide Vaxx Deaths: Researchers Warn That Cold Weather Can Cause Blood Clots & Heart Attacks

cold weather heart attack blood clots

“Normalizing” teen myocardia in UK adverts for teenage heart health wasn’t enough. Now the unseen “they” are putting out propaganda that cold weather can cause blood clots and heart attacks. No one ever names these ‘researchers’ and researcher does not mean doctor, chemist, biologist or scientist.

“As the cold winter arrives in the UK, forecasters issue weather warnings across the country; however, the cold weather can also have an impact your health according to researchers.

They warn that during the cold weather people are more likely to suffer from serious conditions such as heart attacks or blood clots.

Even a small drop in temperature can lead to an increase in the number of people who suffer a heart attack, they say.”

The ways cold weather can affect your body – from winter vagina to blood clots

Cold weather and heart attack: Reasons and prevention

Winter can increase risk of heart attack. Tips by cardiologists to take care of your heart

Researchers Warn Cold Weather Causes Blood Clots and Heart Attacks

Can cold weather cause blood clots?

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