Did Biden’s Handlers Just Give Us Their ‘Final Warning’ About The Next Big Crisis That Will Be Used To Reset The World?


I know it’s over-used, to the point of cliché, but it appears we have entered one of those calms before the storm, a lull in between the end of one crisis and the beginning of another.

We’ve gone from unprecedented plandemic lockdowns and mandates, to people’s uprisings (remember the truckers?), soaring inflation, wars and rumors of wars. But it seems like the globalists have something even bigger that they would like to hit us with.

What could be bigger than a global pandemic or a raging world war, you ask?

The Biden White House may have provided a clue Monday, March 21, when it issued a press release titled Statement By President Biden on Our Nation’s Cybersecurity.

Biden also spoke on the issue. See video clip below.

First off, Biden did not write this document. He likely had no input whatsoever and just had it read to him before being told to sign it.

He claims this is a follow-up to a previous warning. So Biden’s globalist handlers are telling us that they have now given us what amounts to a second warning. That’s significant.

Following is an excerpt from the press release:

“I have previously warned about the potential that Russia could conduct malicious cyber activity against the United States, including as a response to the unprecedented economic costs we’ve imposed on Russia alongside our allies and partners. It’s part of Russia’s playbook. Today, my Administration is reiterating those warnings based on evolving intelligence that the Russian Government is exploring options for potential cyberattacks.”

So a cyber attack is coming, the document says, and they tell us who will carry it out. Russia. They also tell us why: “…as a response to the unprecedented economic costs we’ve imposed on Russia alongside our allies and partners.”

This would be like having a trial in advance of a murder which names the defendant, offers him his motive, and convicts him before any deed is carried out.

The release closes by lecturing privately owned businesses to “do their part” in defending against this grave danger of a Russian cyber attack.

“If you have not already done so, I urge our private sector partners to harden your cyber defenses immediately by implementing the best practices we have developed together over the last year. You have the power, the capacity, and the responsibility to strengthen the cybersecurity and resilience of the critical services and technologies on which Americans rely. We need everyone to do their part to meet one of the defining threats of our time — your vigilance and urgency today can prevent or mitigate attacks tomorrow.”

Except it won’t be prevented.

You can see how, when the cyber attack occurs, it could be blamed on the small businesses, small banks and credit unions that didn’t sufficiently upgrade their cyber security. This provides a pretense to nudge them out of existence, giving mega-banks the monopolies they’ve always coveted so they can proceed with their planned digital currency and cashless society.

This press release represents classic mind-control techniques at work and it’s all leading up to the Great Reset.

We must not lose focus of what the Great Reset is. It is the plan of Davos-deluded billionaires, big banks, mega-corporations and social-media oligarchs to collapse the entire economic, political and social order, replacing it with a new digital system of iron-clad control over every facet of our lives.

These elites are all under the spell of the World Economic Forum guru Klaus Schwab, who himself is under the spell of Yuval Noah Harari, a man who is revered by the Davos elites. Barack Obama named Harari as one of his favorite authors and recommended everyone read Harari’s book, Sapiens. Some within the globalist reset cult have referred to Harari as a “prophet.”

Once you listen to a few videos of this “prophet” preaching about his chilling vision for humanity, it doesn’t take too much imagination to discern under whose spell he operates.

According to Harari, we humans have no free will, no spirit, no soul. We are “hackable animals,” he says in a video I posted with my previous article about him.

Is this repeated reference by the globalists’ “prophet” to a hacking mechanism “under the skin” pointing to the so-called “safe and effective” mRNA injections?

Harari’s message is quite clear and about as arrogant as it gets: You plebes no longer have the right to make choices for yourselves. That’s best left up to the science gods doing the hacking.

He and his buddies at the WEF openly discuss reprograming the masses in accordance with certain behavioral traits that these global predators see as necessary for people to survive in their new dystopian surveillance society.

What they’re not telling you is that the reprogramming process starts well before anything gets injected under your skin. The process starts with Big Tech in partnership with Big Government informing you as to what are acceptable and unacceptable thoughts, redirecting those thoughts away from traditional norms and values centered on God, family and Constitution.

If you submit to the first process, meaning you don’t question everything the government and its media hacks are telling you, then you’ll be a sucker for the final, even more sinister reprogramming.

What Harari, Schwab, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and many other technocrats have in common is that they are all transhumanists. They see transhumanism as the next big leap in the evolution of humankind. Schwab refers to this leap as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, where man and machine will cohabitate to form humanity 2.0. Harari writes in his books about the end of the homo sapien and the transition to “homo deus” or god man. This new god man won’t be created in the image of God with a body, soul and spirit. It will be created in the image of man with a physical, biological and digital identity.

This is the 666 beast system and the overwhelming majority of people on the planet, manipulated and beaten down by one crisis after another, will walk right into this beast system without a wisp of resistance.

So these are the type of people who are now telling Biden to warn the masses of a coming major cyber attack. They are telling us what they have planned for us. The next manufactured crisis. Harari speaks often of crises and how necessary they are to usher in the new one-world system.

The elites have been planning this cyber attack for a while. The World Economic Forum in partnership with Microsoft and other globalist entities held the Cyber Polygon events in 2020 and 2021.

The 2020 event warned about the dangers of “misinformation” on the Internet and how that needed to be reined in. This is why Schwab says you will have a new “digital identity” that will be linked together in a “fusion” with your physical and biological identities (a counterfeit of the God-created body, soul and spirit?). Thus, your access to the Internet, your bank account, the health system, education, your job, everything, can be canceled if you refuse to accept the new rules under the “new normal” of a reset world.

We see the forerunner to this total control grid already in place. Just this week, the Babylon Bee, a Christian-owned online satire site, and the Christian Post, had their Twitter accounts suspended simply because they referred to the transgendered Biden official Rachel Levine as a biological man.

The 2021 Cyber Polygon event simulated a major cyber attack on the world’s banking, financial and supply-chain systems. Schwab said the world is vulnerable to a massive cyber attack that would make the coronavirus pandemic look like “a minor disturbance.”

Some thought the real “event” that they practiced last summer would have happened by now, but other things had to fall into place and the timing just wasn’t right.

These four things had to happen before the cyber attack could launch:

So the table is being set for the globalists’ next big move. Only the timing is in question. Many have predicted it, warned us about it. Could this be the final warning in the form of a press release from Joe Biden?

The cyber attack will strike banks, credit unions and other places where people store their money, and it will be blamed, rightly or wrongly, on Russia. That would be enough to cause panic, but what if it also takes down the electric grid?

Think what would happen if our military is overseas fighting the Russians and Chinese while things are coming apart at the seams here on the home front?

When the WEF showed its hand on the pandemic, with Event 201 being the final dress rehearsal, we should have known that a pandemic was right over the horizon. But we didn’t. That one caught us by surprise.

We won’t make that mistake again.

As Schwab said, this will make the pandemic look like a “minor disturbance.” If you really want to see the worst in people, just take away access to their money. Store shelves will be looted. Homes will be invaded. Blood will flow.

Maybe their plan is to stoke a civil war at the same time they get us involved in yet another foreign war.

Wouldn’t that seal the deal for the Great Reset? They would basically have everyone, well, almost everyone, right where they want them. Fully dependent and vulnerable.

The feds could declare martial law and suspend elections, or proceed with the elections but under conditions similar to November 2020.

So take advantage of this calm before the storm. Use it to prepare for the next wave of attacks, the next crisis manufactured by the global predators.


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