The Rockefellers, The Flexner Report, The AMA, and their Effect on Alternative Nutritional (botanical) Medicine
John D. Rockefeller wanted to gain control of education, including the medical education systems. He did that with the help of Fred Gates. Fred Gates was a Baptist pastor, who left that post to become secretary of the American Baptist Education Society. Rockefeller was a devout Baptist himself, so the two were destined to meet. Rockefeller donated $600,000 to the Baptist-based Chicago University, under the suggestion of Fred Gates. (Now known as the University of Chicago Medical Center.)
In 1901 the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was founded. One of the names on the board of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was Simon Flexner. It was Simon Flexner’s brother, Abraham Flexnor, who had one of the biggest hands in medical education reform. (Interestingly, Abraham Flexner was born in Kentucky, one of the largest growers and suppliers of hemp during WWII.)
Abraham Flexner was on the staff of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
“As mentioned previously, the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations traditionally worked together almost as one in the furtherance of their mutual goals, and this certainly was no exception. The Flexner brothers represented the lens that brought both the Rockefeller and the Carnegie fortunes into sharp focus on the unsuspecting and thoroughly vulnerable medical profession.” (He Who Pays The Piper – Creation of the Modern Medical (drug) Establishment; G. Edward Griffin)
(This is where the web of control and monopolization seems to be even more intertwined.)
The American Medical Association was founded in 1847 and incorporated in 1897. In the early 1900s the AMA realized that there needed to be some changes in medical education. Medical practice and education in some areas left a lot to be desired (poor training and understaffed medical schools). It created the Council on Medical Education, with the purpose of evaluating countrywide medical training and making improvements where needed. However, they didn’t have enough money to do this. Enter Rockefeller and Carnegie and their funding and popularity. The president of the Carnegie Foundation, Henry Pritchett, met with the AMA and offered to take over the entire Council on Medical Education project.
“Here was the classical “philanthropic formula” at work again. Have others pay a major portion of the bill (the AMA had already done most of the work. The total Carnegie investment was only $ 10,000), reap a large bonus from public opinion (isn’t it wonderful that these men are taking an interest in upgrading medical education!), and gain an opportunity to control a large and vital sphere of American life.” (He Who Pays The Piper – Creation of the Modern Medical (drug) Establishment; G. Edward Griffin)
“—In the 1800?s the American Medical Association (AMA) resented their competitors who drove down the cost of medical care and drew away customers;
—The AMA called upon the strong arm of government force to vanquish the competition, it did so through regulating medical schools;
—A report was commissioned calling for the standardization of medical education, this was the Flexner Commission;
—The report of the Commission concluded that there were too many doctors and medical schools in America and recommended reducing the number of schools. The public outcry generated by the report convinced congress to declare the AMA the only body with the right to grant medical school licenses in the United States.” (
In 1910 the Flexner Report was published. It pointed out medical inadequacies, but it also did much more than that.
(Instead of going into more deep jargon, I’ll just give you the condensed version from here on out.)
In the late 1800s and early 1900s there were many schools that taught Eclectic medicine (botanical and herbal medicine), Holistic medicine, and Naturopathy. These schools were not in line with the pharmaceutical drug-pushing agenda of the Rockefellers and AMA. Because these schools did not sit well with the Flexnor report, they were not allowed accreditation.
“Flexner clearly doubted the scientific validity of all forms of medicine other than that based on scientific research, deeming any approach to medicine that did not advocate the use of treatments such as vaccines to prevent and cure illness as tantamount to quackery and charlatanism. Medical schools that offered training in various disciplines including eclectic medicine, physiomedicalism, naturopathy, and homeopathy, were told either to drop these courses from their curriculum or lose their accreditation and underwriting support. A few schools resisted for a time, but eventually all complied with the Report or shut their doors.” (wikipedia)
The last Eclectic medical school closed in 1939.
Holistic health, botanicals and herbs, and nutritional therapy were not part of the agenda of the Rockefellers and AMA. Remember, also, that this was the time when the Rockefellers had the monopoly on pharmaceuticals and when Hemp was a huge threat to their pharma and oil investments.
Billions of dollars have been donated to American medical schools, but those dollars have not just been from Rockefeller and Carnegie. Funds also have come from Ford Foundation, Kellogg Foundation, The Macy Foundation, and others. It also appears that the main focus is study and research into pharmacology. (Where is the study of herbs, plants, nutrition, holistic health????)
Proper nutrition was not taught in medical schools as a preventative for disease; instead, drugs and pharmaceuticals were made to be part of the program to treat the symptoms, as opposed to getting to the root cause of the disease.
“While doctors are forced to spend hundreds of hours studying the names and actions of all kinds of man-made drugs, they are lucky if they receive even a portion of a single course on basic nutrition. Many have none at all. The result is that the average doctor’s wife or secretary knows more about practical nutrition than he does.” (He Who Pays The Piper – Creation of the Modern Medical (drug) Establishment; G. Edward Griffin)
The Flexner report had a huge effect on alternative medicines. And where did it all start? William Avery Rockefeller and his family monopoly and investments in pharmaceuticals – and their hand in prohibiting hemp farming in the USA.
Where does hemp come into play in all this? Hempseed and hempseed oil have incredible nutritional and medicinal value. Almost any condition or disease can in some way be treated or cured with hemp. A diet rich in hemp, with the perfect ratio of Omega fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, anti-oxidants, and nutrient density can be one of the preventative steps in delaying disease.
Hemp? Or chemical drugs?
I choose Hemp.
*This post is not to wholly condemn the AMA or its constituents, yet there are practices in the organization that I do not agree with.*
The Flexner Report: How John D. Rockefeller Used the AMA to Take Over Western Medicine
The Flexner Report
was a very useful tool commissioned by oil magnate John D. Rockefeller. Rockefeller had made a massive fortune with Standard Oil and was setting his sights on gaining a monopoly in the drug and pharmaceutical industry. However, first he had to get rid of the competition, which consisted of natural non-allopathic healing modalities – naturopathy, homeopathy, eclectic medicine (botanical and herbal medicine), holistic medicine, etc. Hemp was also a threat to his plans, since cannabis has tremendous medical benefit – it can be used to alleviate pain for numerous diseases and even has anti-cancer properties. How did Rockefeller deal with this? By means of the Flexner Report.
Enter Abraham Flexner on the Rockefeller Payroll
Rockefeller paid Abraham Flexner to visit all the medical schools in the US at that time. He released the so-called “Flexner Report” in 1910, which called for the standardization of medical education and concluded there were too many doctors and medical schools in America. Rockefeller then used his control of the media to generate public outcry at the findings of the report – which, by means of the classic elite strategy of “Problem, Reaction, Solution” as David Icke calls it, ultimately led Congress to declare the AMA (American Medical Association) the only body with the right to grant medical school licenses in the United States. This suited Rockefeller perfectly – he then used the AMA (which may be better called to the American Murder Association due their widespread use and endorsement of toxic vaccines, drugs, chemotherapy and radiation) to compel the Government destroy the natural competition, which it did through regulating medical schools.
Flexner Report Promotes Standardization of Medical Education
We know that mono-culture crops are not as resilient as a diversity of crops. Same goes for thought. With all the hundreds of different healing modalities out there, why would we want to narrow it down to one system, if we were truly interested in health?
After the Flexner Report, the AMA only endorsed schools with a drug-based curriculum. It didn’t take long before non-allopathic schools fell by the wayside due to lack of funding. Thus, Rockefeller had his monopoly on drugs, and Big Pharma and Rockefeller Medicine were born – and has only grown bigger and more terrible since, now routinely bribing doctors to prescribe their toxic and side effect-laden pills, not to mention their autism-causing vaccines. Rockefeller, the AMA and Big Pharma are now all key aspects of the NWO (New World Order), but it all started with the Flexner Report.