The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse
The best way to counteract this alarming trend is by educating yourself and becoming a more knowledgeable musician so that great music can make a...
The Lie We Live – Alan Watts On The Illusion Of Time
Alan Watts on the Illusion of Time A powerful and thought-provoking speech about the illusion of time...
Young Children’s Books About “Swinging”
Get your kids out of public school. Save their lives. They are our future if we even have one a this point....
Bill Cooper: The President Is Selected And It Is In The Constitution
The FEDERAL election is fake: just take the time to read Article 2, Section 1, (Clause 3) of the constitution and find out that the...
The Roman Empire Never Went Away – Hugo Talks
It's mind blowing people can't see this. I can't imagine being this blind and just going on about my day. Sad thing is, far to...
Washington St. To Castrate Minors Without Parental Consent As UN Pushes Legalized Pedophilia
Those who place their stamp of approval on this are going to be held accountable for the innocence and blood of these children....
Michigan State Warns Against Using Words Like ‘Christmas Tree,’ ‘America’, Because They Might Be Offensive
The lengthy "Inclusive Guide" instructs students and community members to stay away from a litany of different commonly used words, and urges them to make...
Notice How Whites Are Now Almost Outlawed In All New Ads?
In the United States today, the White population (not including Hispanics) is 57.8%. In real life, Caucasians are still in the majority, but now on...
Climate Lies: Enslaving Humanity to “Save” the Planet
Every one of the solutions to the problem they promise is real which involves stripping more of your freedoms and decreasing your quality of life....
Blocked Gov’t Report Finds Fluoride Lowers Kids’ IQ, Case Heads To Court
Research on other neurotoxicants has shown that subtle shifts in IQ at the population level can have a profound impact…...
The Century Of The Self – Full Documentary
The legacy of famed psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud informs the lives of people throughout the world even to this day, though it's a phenomenon of which...
Geoengineering: Dim The Sun To Fight Global Warming
Since climate alarmists have virtually shut down coal, oil and natural gas, replacing it with solar and wind generated energy, shutting down the sun somehow...
Inside Cleveland’s Plans To Become A 15-Minute City
Cleveland isn’t known as a walkable or bikeable city, but its new mayor wants to change that....
Watch: El Salvador Sends Thousands Of Tattooed Gang Members To Mega-Prison
Government authorities in El Salvador are circulating some surreal images in order to prove to the nation and the world that they are cleaning up...
Spain’s Decriminalization Of Bestiality Proves Leftism Is The ‘Plague Of The 21st Century’
'The Spanish allowed children to change sex on demand. Now they are legalising bestiality.'...
Mass Hypnosis Of The World Explained
A former Hypnotist explains how America, and the world, is currently being hypnotized on a mass scale....
The Bacon And Egg Breakfast Was Never The American Diet Until Edward Bernays Pushed It
The bacon and egg breakfast was pushed the same way they pushed the scamdemic, Edward Bernays paid doctors to say a full breakfast was healthier...
Not A Single Student Is Proficient In Reading Or Math At 55 Chicago Schools: REPORT
In 55 Chicago Public Schools, not one student met grade level expectations in either math or reading during the 2021-2022 school year, according to a...
Distract, Divide And Conquer: The Painful Truth About The State Of Our Union
These are not problems the politicians want to talk about, let alone address, yet we cannot afford to ignore them much longer....
Flashback: Freeman Fly On Signs, Symbols And Sigils (2010)
Freeman Fly of joins us to discuss the signs, symbols and sigils of the secret societies and occult practitioners who haunt the corridors of...