A Snapshot Of The United States That Will Scare The Hell Out Of You…


It appears that half the country has fallen under some type of spell so deep that they will willingly kill themselves and attack others who won’t. They cannot discern basic logical truths from obvious fakery.

They’re hateful and violent and demand all others comply. Anyone speaking out is labeled and dealt with.

I could go on and on with this list.

There is, however, roughly 80 million conservative Americans who are well-armed and well-meaning. They understand the dangers and are awake to what they’re up against. Of course they’re, labeled anti vaxxers, Racist and white supremacists.

A significant number of people are just going on about their daily lives as if none of this is happening.

Can they regain control of the country before the globalists flood in and take over? That is the only question that remains.

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