Biden Adviser Says ‘Getting Those Shots Into 5-11 Year Olds’ Is Key To Stopping Inflation

2021 03 22 9 40 25

“Number one, we have to finish the job on COVID. We know that the more people feel comfortable getting out into the economy, going to movies rather than buying a television at home, working in the workplace, the more we can return a sense of normalcy to our economy,” Deese said.

“Getting those shots out to 5-11-year-olds is gonna provide a lot of comfort to American families. We’re making a lot of progress on that front.”

Deese also claimed Biden’s massive multi-trillion dollar “infrastructure” bill will improve the economy, noting that some elements of it will go into effect “right away” pending Biden’s signature, which is expected Monday.

According to the CDC’s own numbers, less than 100 children died of COVID since the pandemic began in January 2020 — about 0.00012% of all purported COVID deaths.

But according to Biden and his handlers, injecting millions of America’s young children, the lowest at-risk age group, with an experimental shot with documented cardiovascular side effects in young people, is a key tenet of addressing the inflation he started in the first place.

Absolute madness.

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