The Scottish government is considering making its emergency coronavirus powers, such as the ability to shut schools and impose lockdowns, permanent....
A new promo by the globalist World Economic Forum (WEF) describes post-industrial changes they have planned for humanity, including biometric surveillance and digitalization of work...
The economic, political, academic, and media elites around the world are leveraging the chaos, confusion, and restrictions on liberty from the COVID-19 lockdowns and...
Cyber Polygon is a unique cybersecurity event that combines the world’s largest technical training exercise for corporate teams and an online conference featuring senior officials...
Start-up EON creates online digital passports for garments, allowing brands to re-sell their clothing and creating more sustainable business models...No Thanks!...
According to sources, the people who ruined the world's economies by promoting lockdowns, economic shutdowns, and printing cash have gathered in the United Kingdom this...
The top-down reorganization of the world economy by a cabal of technocratic corporativists, led by the group around the Davos World Economic Forum– the so-called...