HomeAcademicSocial EngineeringNIH director: “It May Sound Weird” But Parents Should Wear Masks At Home In Front Of Their Unvaccinated Kids – Video
NIH director: “It May Sound Weird” But Parents Should Wear Masks At Home In Front Of Their Unvaccinated Kids – Video
August 3, 2021
Might sound weird, but IF IM NOT VAXXED, NEITHER ARE MY KIDS…
NIH director Francis Collins: “It may sound weird” but parents should wear masks at home in front of their unvaccinated kids pic.twitter.com/ZKt8czU5aP
People like this should be no where near policy decisions.
Since Camp Fantastic, a summer camp for kids with cancer, has to go virtual this year, my wife, Diane, and I made this #COVID19 parody on “Puff, the Magic Dragon” to let the kids know we’re with them in spirit during these challenging times. #NIHpic.twitter.com/N4pbo2eM6r