The Shadowy CIA Data Firms Behind the Creation of Digital Vaccine Passport IDs – Pt. 1
In January 2021, tech giants such as Microsoft, Oracle, and MITRE Corporation announced their launch of the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI) in partnership with healthcare companies.
On their website, the VCI describes itself as an alliance of private and public organizations dedicated to the development of the ‘issuance of verifiable health credentials’ bound to an individual digital identity.
The VCI idea depends upon a common platform from which digital wallets can be created, and on the VCI website they call for “participating organizations to commit to implementing, testing, and refining the SMART Health Cards Framework within their sphere of influence.”
According to VCI, their ‘SMART Health Cards’ are meant to “work across organizational and jurisdictional boundaries.”
SMART health cards as of now include a person’s name, gender, birth date, phone number, and email address, as well as vaccination status. Developers hope, however, that these cards will eventually become all-encompassing universal digital identities that reside within a universal digital wallet.
Josh Mandel, one of the main developers behind VCI’s SMART health cards system, said once that a complete universal digital identity is ‘essential’ to the effort of creating digital vaccination passes.
On their website, the group uses the term ‘digital wallet’ often and notes that SMART Health Cards could soon be used as digital IDs for all activities, including travel and every purchase an individual makes during commercial activity.
According to the ‘about’ section on their website, the group’s members section includes corporations like Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Apple, and the MITRE Corporation.
Along with the MITRE Corporation, one of the groups listed in the governance section on the website is the Commons Project Foundation, which is the main backer of the VCI and also hosts the VCI website.
The Commons Project Foundation also describes itself as a ‘private and public alliance.’
Listed on the leadership board of the Commons Project Foundation is the President of the Rockefeller Foundation, the Global Head of Performance at BlackRock, the senior managing director at the Blackstone Group, and Julie Gerberding, the former director of the CDC. Gerberding once wrote an op-ed in Time Magazine calling for an ‘International Pandemic Surveillance Network.’
There are many other heads of multilateral development banks (MDBs), former Goldman Sachs partners, UN advisers, and other multinational corporations listed on their assembly.

With the help of the World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation, the Commons Project Foundation runs the Common Trust Network. Like the Vaccination Credential Initiative and the Commons Project Foundation, the Commons Trust Network describes itself as a ‘private and public alliance.’
The World Economic Forum’s website lists the CEO and CMO of the Commons Project Foundation as Paul Meyer and Bradley Perkins respectively. Following his career at the US Center for Disease Control, Perkins was on the advisory board for the RAND Corporation, and his Partner Paul Meyer wrote President Clinton’s speeches while attending Yale.
In partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation — as well as an almost endless list of corporations and government agencies — the Commons Project Foundation created the CommonPass.
According to the World Economic Forum’s website, just like the VCI, the Commons Project Foundation seeks to “develop and launch a standard global model to enable people to securely document and present their COVID-19 status to facilitate international travel and border crossing.”
The site states that their ‘CommonPass‘ is powered by their “CommonTrust Network™ Registry and VCI™ Directory.” and will allow individuals to document their “COVID-19 status to satisfy country or state entry requirements,” and “access lab results and vaccination records when you need it.”

According to MintPress News, the cofounders of the Commons Project Foundation have a longstanding relationship with the International Rescue Committee.
In one article, Journalist Whitney Webb noted that the CEO of the International Rescue Committee developed a pilot program in Myanmar for the digital biometric identification system, supported by the ID2020 alliance. According to Webb, the ID2020 Alliance is backed by Microsoft and directly funds the Commons Project Foundation.
“iRespond, an international non-profit organization that is “dedicated to using biometrics to improve lives through digital identity,” has begun piloting a new biometric program for newborns among the predominately Karen refugee population along the Myanmar-Thailand border… The pilot program is being conducted as part of the controversial ID2020 alliance, backed by Microsoft, the GAVI vaccine alliance, and the Rockefeller Foundation… iRespond is partnered with Mastercard, another ID2020 partner that is closely allied with the company, Trust Stamp, a biometric identity platform that also doubles as a vaccine record and payment system.”
The push for a universal digital wallet with an all-encompassing universal digital ID came long before the onset of COVID-19. As MintPress News reported last year, the very first pilot program for a digital identity platform was launched in 2018 in West Africa. Thanks to the GAVI vaccine alliance, which is funded in large part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Trust Stamp, and Mastercard, the pilot program gained new life during the height of the pandemic.
Trust Stamp’s digital identity platform was integrated into the GAVI-Mastercard ‘Wellness Pass,’ and also linked to Mastercard’s click-to-play system. The system was also powered by its AI and machine learning technology called NuData. Mastercard has described itself as a leader toward a “World Beyond Cash,” which is why their pay system, along with other credit card companies, plays essential roles in the push for digital IDs.
Because digital currencies are necessary for a world beyond cash, it is no surprise that Vaccine Credential Initiative member Microsoft patented technology in 2019 that could leverage body activity such as brain waves to mine cryptocurrency among other potential uses.
“For example, instead of massive computation work required by some conventional cryptocurrency systems, data generated based on the body activity of the user can be a proof-of-work, and therefore, a user can solve the computationally difficult problem unconsciously,“ the patent explains.
In the past few years, there has been a major push by the same dozen or so ‘private-public alliances’ toward a complete transformation of the world economy. Michael Bloomberg’s ‘New Economy Forum’ has been extensively involved in the push for this transformation. On the board of Bloomberg’s New Economy Forum is the head of Binance, Changpeng Zhao, as well as other key figures who are also involved in the push for digital IDs.
The forum is led by Bill Gates, Henry Kissinger, and Penny Pritzker, as well as a dozen other board members with ties to multinational firms like Goldman Sachs. Former Governor of the People’s Bank of China Zhou Xiaochuan is on the board as well.

On their manifesto, the ID2020 Alliance describes itself as a ‘Global private-public partnership’ which brings together technologists, advocates, implementers, and funders toward a good digital ID for all.
Under the guise of ‘closing the identity gap’ for the ‘one billion people on earth’ who cannot prove who they are, the ID2020 alliance pledges to pave the way to create a universal digital identification system.
Working in partnership with Facebook, Mastercard, iRespond, Microsoft, Gavi, The Rockefeller Foundation, and others, the ID2020 Alliance says the program will ‘proceed in four phases from mid-2021 to late 2025.’ On their website, they hypothesize that the future ‘biometric digital ID’ will be linked with humans from the point of birth to the point of death.
Dakota Gruener is the Executive Director of ID2020, and launched the group in 2016, following her work at Gavi where she served as an aide to the CEO.
On their website Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance states that their group has ‘provided access to new and under-used vaccines for millions of the most vulnerable children.’ The group claims they are ‘transforming the lives of individuals,’ and helping to ‘make the world safer for everyone.’
Under the funding section of their website, the group describes Bill Gates as a founding member and says that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has donated over $4 billion to the cause to date.
“As a founding partner of Gavi, the Gates Foundation has brought international attention to the cause of immunization and has made several commitments to Gavi, totaling USD 4.1 billion to date.”
Another important group involved in the creation of the universal digital ID is the ‘COVID-19 Healthcare Coalition.’
Describing itself as a ‘private-public partnership’ as well, the COVID-19 Healthcare Coalition says that a ‘key objective’ driving the coalition is a “substantial infrastructure to collaborate, collect, analyze, visualize, and share data and insights from close to 1,000 member organizations in a trusted and secure manner.”
On the coalition’s website, they describe their vision as an infrastructure that would quickly provide members and many other stakeholders with tools and information “they could use to make decisions on how to keep their populations safe.”
The group states that they “achieved that vision within weeks thanks to the leadership and extraordinary contributions of members.”
The group’s partner list they give credit for making this possible includes Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, Google, Salesforce, and CIA contractor MITRE. Their member list also includes hundreds of other private and public organizations including the CIA’s Palantir and Diagnostic Robotics, an Israeli-based firm contracted to create contact tracing software and an “artificial intelligence platform that predicts patients’ hospitalization risk.”
According to the Times of Israel, in mid-2020 Diagnostic Robotics teamed up with Start-Up Nation Central, an organization that seeks to compel the United States into becoming more dependent on technology developed by Israel.
Likely inspired by the book ‘Start-Up Nation,’ Start-Up Nation Central was funded mostly by Jewish-American billionaire Paul Singer. Controversial for his role in the destruction of a small town in Nebraska, and the part he played in the think tank Project for a New American Century, Singer founded the organization and has funneled tens of millions of dollars into it since 2013.
Israel’s government has been closely connected to the global pandemic response and the development of tools for contact tracing and vaccine passport systems. In addition to the response to the coronavirus pandemic, the country has also been intimately involved with the planning for a global response to a potential ‘cyber pandemic.’ In partnership with ten other countries as well as the IMF and World Bank, Israel’s Ministry of Finance recently hosted a cyber pandemic exercise simulating a cyberattack on the global financial system.
Other backers of the Vaccine Coalition Initiative and groups involved with Gavi, the Commons Project Foundation, and ID2020 Alliance are Oracle and Salesforce.
Salesforce is one of the companies behind the creation of COVID 360 which uses technology developed by Diagnostic Robotics to identify individuals at risk and recommend testing or treatment based on a profile generated by the COVID 360 program.
The founder of Salesforce, Marc Benioff, is the former vice president of Oracle and a current member of the World Economic Forum’s board of trustees.
According to journalist Whitney Webb, Benioff is also a strong advocate for Klaus Schwabb’s call for a ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution.’
“Benioff is not only a member of the WEF’s board of trustees, but he is also the inaugural chair of the forum’s Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a “revolution” that its architect and WEF founder Klaus Schwab defines as a merging of humans’ physical, digital, and biological identities. Benioff is also the owner and co-chair of Time magazine, which recently ran an entire issue focused on promoting the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the WEF-backed Great Reset.”
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