Category: Academic

The Shut-In Economy

In the new world of on-demand everything, you’re either pampered, isolated royalty — or you’re a 21st century servant. Angel the concierge stands behind a lobby...

Prison vs School: The Tour

The War on Kids’ shows how American public schools have failed in their mission to provide education, erode the country’s democratic foundation by denying the...

What Planes?

Even if you know little about planes and metal, you know that aluminum and plastic is no match for a concrete wall and sold steel...

Dumb Downed Words Added To Oxford Dictionary

We’ve just added some srsly buzzworthy words to our online dictionary – squee! With influences ranging from technology to fashion, there is something for everyone...

What If Money Was No Object?

If money did not matter, what would you want to do with your life? These timeless words of wisdom from the late great Alan Watts can change...

The Zen TV Experiment

“How Many of You Know How to Watch Television?” “How many of you know how to watch television?” I asked my class one day. After...

TN Student Speaks Out About Common Core

It’s interesting to hear a student opinion on Common Core as he views it in relation to teacher effectiveness. He’s an amazing speaker, and well...

MUST READ: Propganda By Edward L. Bernays

Bernays, described as the father of the media age, was the nephew of Sigmund Freud. “Propaganda,” he wrote, “got to be a bad word because...

Study Shows Why Some People Can’t Wake Up

Ever wondered why some people who seem otherwise educated on all other fronts appear hopelessly trapped in the left-right paradigm? Yale law professor Dan Kahan...

Flight 175…Rare Video

This video demonstrates how the news media faked the 9/11 terror plot…It really comes down to a movie within a movie. With control over the...

How Raytheon software tracks you online…Must Watch!

In this video obtained by the Guardian, Raytheon’s ‘principal investigator’ Brian Urch explains how the Rapid Information Overlay Technology (Riot) software uses photographs on social...